Voice from the Core

Do you want to unlock the full strength of your voice?
Do you wish to sing with a beautiful, rich sound?
Or speak for hours without getting tired?

The answer lies in the core of the body and the breath.

Headshot of Sarah Thomas, the founder of Sarah Thomas Voice Studio in Nashville, Tennessee.

About Sarah

Sarah, a versatile opera singer, has performed in various roles, including the title role in Handel’s Alcina, Queen of the Night in Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte, Miss Havisham in Argento’s Miss Havisham’s Wedding Night, and Almera in Nico Muhly’s Dark Sisters. She's also frequented the musical theater stage, playing Amalia in She Loves Me, Robin in Godspell, and Fredrika Armfeldt in A Little Night Music.

In New York City, Sarah was part of the Billy Harper Voices jazz ensemble and collaborated with jazz pianist Dr. Tim Brent. She currently performs in Chattanooga with the Jazz ensemble Indigo River and longtime friend and pianist Sandi Asplund.

Sarah’s bodywork study began over a decade ago in NYC, where she studied with Alexander Technique and Cranio-Sacral Therapy instructor Karen Coe, Bodyworker Tara Thompson, and Rolfer and Gyrotonic teacher Megan Frummer. Most recently, Sarah earned her 500 hour Pilates Instructor Certification in Huntsville, AL, studying under Robin Serwatka.

  • Sarah Thomas instructing a vocalist during a voice lesson.

    Voice Lessons

    Offering both weekly and drop-in lessons. Weekly lessons are geared towards long-term vocal goals; Drop-in lessons are tailored for professionals seeking targeted improvement.

  • A client talking into a microphone during a virtual speaking lesson.

    Speaking Lessons

    Tailored lessons to enhance speaking skills and resolve vocal fatigue, focusing on breath release, projection, and effective communication.

  • Two people working through a pilates exercise.


    Unlock the power of your deepest core muscles with Sarah's Pilates sessions, featuring energizing group classes at Club Pilates and personalized, in-home sessions.

Find Your Fullest Voice!

Unlock powerful high notes, speak for hours without fatigue, and find your deep core to strengthen your spine and free yourself from aches and pains.

Want to get started with lessons?

Follow these steps!



Discovery Call

Request a Free 15 minute discovery call with me. Let’s talk about your goals and see if my studio could be a great fit for you.


Sample Lesson

Get invited to the studio for a 45-minute sample lesson, in person or online. We will explore with some singing and movement and get to know the specifics of your voice and body to determine the best plan for you. We will also discuss business and what types of lessons and packages would be right for you. When the lesson is finished we can both determine if we would like to move forward.


Experience Results

Schedule your lessons and begin your journey of discovery! Whether in person or online, the road ahead is full of fun and exploration.


“I’ve been working with Sarah for a few months now and can already see drastic changes in my voice. She incorporates new techniques each lesson that help not only with my vocal strength and sound, but also with my breathing, posture and releasing body tension. She’s helped increase my knowledge level around breath and body work through her teaching, and has helped strengthen my speaking voice and singing voice.

- Emily

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